The Anvil and the Hammer By Kofi Awoonor Caught between the anvil and the hammer In the forging house of…
The Panic of Growing Older By Lenrie Peters The panic of growing older spreads fluttering wings from year to year…
The Poem “The Dining Table By Gbanabom Hallowell” Dinner tonight comes with gun wounds. Our desert tongues lick the vegetable…
The Piano and Drums by Gabriel Okara When at break of day at a riverside I hear jungle drums telegraphing…
This article portrays the themes of Black Woman by Leopold Senghorn Sedar Themes of the Black woman by Leopold Senghor…
VANITY by Birago Diop If we tell,gently,gently All that we shall one day have to tell Who then will hear…
Bat by David H. Lawrence At evening, sitting on this terrace, When the sun from the west, beyond Pisa, beyond…
Binsey Poplars (felled 1879) By Gerard Manley Hopkins My aspens dear, whose airy cages quelled, Quelled or quenched in leaves…
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage…
In this article, we will be discussing the Analysis of Africa by Maya Angelou which consists of About the poem,…