Introduction to Poetry is a one-semester course consisting of two units of credit. It is explicitly intended for EnglishLanguage students and students from related departments who have to study language and literature courses that are elective. The course comprises fifteen units, covering almost all of the basic information that a student will need to know about poetry as a type of Literature.
The information required is the characteristics of poetry: literature definitions, usages elements, techniques, definitions, and poetic devices, and, in the end, how to criticize or appreciate a poem.

You are expected to read the course guide attentively to learn about what the course will cover.
About the course materials, you will require homework that has been marked by the tutor and other essential details. It is recommended that you be sure to attend your tutorial classes to discuss practical aspects of the many aspects of the genre of poetry.
When you’re finished with the course, you’ll be able to appreciate poetry after having obtained the required understanding of the definition of poetry and how to discern good and effective poetry from the Ineffective and inadequate.
Therefore, you must be able to analyze or review a poem
Pay attention to its form (manner/style) and its content (matter/subject) and so on. Going
This course will prepare the student specifically for this task. I can assure you that this course is an engaging one that will help you prepare for future interactions with poetry as a subject of study.
Welcome aboard!.
Course Aim
This course will teach you the fundamentals of use, techniques, and elements.
Poetry is a form of art. Its purpose is to:
Let you gain an awareness of the nature of the poetry genre as a form of Literature
Introduce you to the roles of poetry in the society
Help you understand the various components, methods, and types of poetry
Impart to you the necessary information that will allow you to recognize between ineffective and effective poetry
Encourage you (through the Tutor-Marked Assignments) to criticize set poems.
Course Objectives
The main goals of a class are the skills you’re expected to accomplish after the course.
These goals will guide you through the course and will also assist you with self-assessment and identifying areas when you’re looking to improve your skills and study habits. At the end of the course, you will be competent to:
1. Define poetry as a kind of Literature or writing
2. Examine the elements of poetry you’ve received in the class
3. Find the various poetic forms by their distinct characteristics
4. Comment on the strengths of a poem in order to show the abilities of
criticism/appreciation you have acquired in this course.

Working Through the Course
In this course, you will have fifteen study units that you must go through. Within each study unit, you are required to go through the material thoroughly prior to taking the test. It is recommended that you study the material thoroughly before attempting the questions.
Pay attention to the goals of each unit of study so that you are properly instructed through the course. It is expected that you think a lot and write as it is made to get you to do it.
The evaluation will take place;
(1) self-assessment exercises designed to help you assess your comprehension of the units included in this course materials and
(2) the tutor-marked assignments that you are expected to complete and return at the proper deadline. Also, you will be required to complete a final examination at the end of the semester. The date and time of the exam will be announced to you.
Course Materials
The main elements of the course include:
1. The Course guide
2. The Study units
3. The Textbooks
4. The Assignment Files
5. The presentation schedule