In this article, we will be giving you the summary Unexpected Joy at Dawn Chapter 16-20.


At the beginning of this chapter, Nii Tackie is on leave with a sense of sadness. He’s late for a “three-hour weekly job” and concerned over the lesson he neglected, knowing that he is not paid until he has made up for these lessons.

While he is on his way to school, he faces crowds. In school, he gets ridiculed and humiliated by his classmates for being late.

Nii Tackie couldn’t maintain his cool when two students made fun of an insult that was written on the chalkboard that was intended for him. Nii Tackie confronts them, and while trying to discipline one of the students, he loses his balance and tumbles on a chair. The boy who was being chastised falls and is able to knock the chair away. As a result, Nii Tackie lands face down.

The headmaster is there to save him. He is adamant about the students’ behaviour and conduct and promises to punish the offender. Nii Tackie is again late for that day’s allowance. However, he requested payment for the past three weeks. The headmaster accepts to pay him and also assign him to a different class that will teach economics.

In the terminal, Mama Orojo is subjected to a thorough inspection. Be aware that she has coins of gold and cash in her (hidden in the pocket of her Bible). If you use the detector for metal put for her, it displays the red light, which indicates that there’s metal on her.

But, after a thorough examination and inspection, customs officers have found no trace of metal, and she is allowed to fly despite the warning from the metal detector. They are unable to discover the possibility that Mama Orojo could have hidden something inside the Bible she fancies keeping.

Read Also:

Summary of UNEXPECTED JOY AT DAWN By Alex Agyei Agyiri’s: Part 1(Chapter 1 to Chapter 5)
Summary of UNEXPECTED JOY AT DAWN By Alex Agyei Agyiri’s: Part 1(Chapter 6 – Chapter 10)
Summary of UNEXPECTED JOY AT DAWN By Alex Agyei Agyiri’s: Part 1(Chapter 11 – Chapter 15)
Characters In Unexpected Joy at Dawn By Alex Agyei-Agyiri
Themes in Unexpected Joy At Dawn

Nii Tackie left the school after he had collected his allowance. He is quite satisfied. As he walks to the market, he observes people hurrying into the marketplace. He follows the crowd out of curiosity.

In this scene, we see the real meaning and shady specifics of this Ghanaian revolution. A young girl who is barely ten years is killed by soldiers of the revolution in front of her mother due to “selling above the control price”. Everyone is satisfied with this. Nii Tackie is upset about this human degeneration.

Nii Tackie is under the sway of Mama Akosua, who threatens to surrender him to soldiers if he fails to provide her with two thousand cedis Susu’s contribution.

Nii Tackie begins to worry about his security. When the crowd is dispersed, Mama Akosua tries to get a soldier to help but is prevented access by an unidentified young man who shouts at her this way:

Fat makola mummy, how long do you plan to continue making money off the poor?

(Page 102)

The soldier frightens the crowd with his gun. In this process, Mama Akosua faints. When a soldier asks whether he’s with the lady who is fainting, Nii Tackie quickly denies while the elderly lady is taken away. Nii Tackie is unsure whether authorities are aware of the crimes that the soldiers have committed.

Through his investigation, it becomes clear that anyone who doubts the extra-judicial action is viewed as conservative and a spy “reactionary, imperialist stooge”, and the soldiers are viewed to be ” messengers of the Saviour, the Master” that must be obeyed for freedom for eternity. Therefore, Nii Tackie keeps his opposing opinions to himself.

He walks over to Linda’s house, which is close by.


Joe visits the landlord at Beyeeman Complex. The author’s unclear representation of the characters in Chapter 15, the landlord of Beyeeman Complex and the proprietor of Beyes Restaurant, are two different characters.

The picture that the narrator shows us of the man who is ageing, one of a politician who is a believer in the possibility of partisan politics. He doesn’t necessarily think that the revolution is believed to have chained Ghana. He has saved money to fund the return of political power when his money is doing the talking even if it cannot.

If Joe informs him of his desire for a larger area (having in mind the adjoining rooms 4, 6 and 7 in the Complex), the elderly man turns down his offer. The landlord claims that the residents of both rooms are businessmen, just like Joe, well-educated and creative. However, when Joe is willing to pay five years rental in advance, the older man isn’t willing to accept it.

In the absence of a word, the tenant can clearly see the fact that the old man is solid and is in contrast to the hot-blooded revolutionary who is bursting with youthful enthusiasm. Joe goes to the landlord’s house, “defeated in his intentions”.

At Linda’s home, Linda reveals her true desire for the special treatment for Nii Tackie. Her husband is currently in London. She requires a British Visa to join him. This she can’t get in Ghana. So, she has to travel to Nigeria for one. According to the woman, Nii Tackie is the only way to gain entry into Nigeria due to his tribal markings.

She also makes it clear that she is aware that Nii Tackie doesn’t have funds, which is the reason he’s not been to Nigeria as of yet. She offers him sexual advances both in Nigeria in the event that Nii Tackie would like to go with the girl to Nigeria. But, Nii Tackie, despite his sex-hunger, declines her offer and heads for the exit.

The two fight. Then, after a while, Linda takes a breather, taking the comfort of the fact that the curfew has been set and Nii Tackie won’t enter into the midst of it. In fact, Nii Tackie is not an individual to fall for the lure of an unruly curfew. He shaved his hair rough; stripped himself naked, and then like the madman and then he slams across the street shouting:

“Curfew is a bar! I’m in at the bar …’

(Page 109)

The soldiers, believing they are mad, have no justification for punishing him for violating the curfew.

When Nii Tackie arrives back home, Massa lies on her bed, crying in discomfort. Nii Tackie is only just finishing her dressing when a man, as well as a lance corporal, enter their bedroom. The man tells him that the in a coma (Massa) was his mother. He says that the woman has been under his care prior to arriving of Nii Tackie, her husband.

This is the way he avoids the unwelcome punishment of breaking the curfew. He later introduced himself as Nii Tackie and an angry Massa as I-Put-it-to me. Do you remember him? The man with multiple identities fooled Mama Orojo in the plane. I-Put it-me walks back to Korle Lagoon. Korle Lagoon.

Nii Tackie is becoming increasingly worried about the tribal marks that can easily identify him as a foreigner or foreigner. He’s tried to remove the marks off his face using “Neco and Asepso soaps” but with no positive results. Linda’s mention of his marks has brought him to the realization that they’re there.

Nii Tackie stares into the mirror and focuses on the three vertical marks that appear on the side of his facial features. Massa laughs at it while Nii Tackie says that he’s just trying to figure out the way he appears. Nii Tackie carries things in his bag for the day’s travel (to the spiritualist’s house).


In Chapter 18 of Alex Agyei’s Unexpected Joy At dawn, Nii Tackie and Massa take off on a journey to a spiritualist house similar to the one that Nii Tackie’s friend informed him about. While on their way, they meet the dying Massa, who asks Nii Tackie to promise that he will never forget her. A promise that is a sign of her passing.

The driver, despite the protests of his passengers, accelerates recklessly, claiming that he is trying to reach his destination in a hurry. While a few passengers try to discourage him, the rest help the driver to continue. In the midst of all this, Massa utters her last words before falling into a deep sleep.

“There is nothing wrong with me right now

Unexpected Joy at Dawn

As she rests, Nii Tackie reminisces the beginning of their wedding. He then notices that Massa isn’t stirring and is not responding. He calls her by name but gets no response. One of the other passengers suggests that she go to the hospital, which is conveniently located near the location they’re. A quote from a previous doctor is echoed in Nii Tackie’s head: “She has a few days on her life”.

At the hospital where she is admitted, Massa is pronounced dead. He is made aware of the procedure for the mortuary of the hospital as well as the soaring daily costs. Nii Tackie is enthralled by the funeral costs of Massa and is so clearly disturbed that a person mistakens him for a psychiatric sufferer.

He is released from the hospital and goes to the spiritualist house; GOD IS BEYOND SCIENCE, the first place he went to prior to Massa’s inertia changing his path. He now goes to the spiritualist home in the hope to be redeemed. In the absence of any prompting, he, along with twenty other volunteers, cleared the site for the church’s brand new KVIP toilet.

Later, he would inform the anchoring attendant, the young man, about the death of Massa and his worries about the Ghanaian government, which could expel foreigners from Ghana. The attendant comforts him and advises him to remain patient.

Read Also:

Summary of UNEXPECTED JOY AT DAWN By Alex Agyei Agyiri’s: Part 1(Chapter 1 to Chapter 5)
Summary of UNEXPECTED JOY AT DAWN By Alex Agyei Agyiri’s: Part 1(Chapter 6 – Chapter 10)
Summary of UNEXPECTED JOY AT DAWN By Alex Agyei Agyiri’s: Part 1(Chapter 11 – Chapter 15)
Characters In Unexpected Joy at Dawn By Alex Agyei-Agyiri
Themes in Unexpected Joy At Dawn

We then watch the confessional. As it comes to one’s turn, the priest calls Massa’s name. He prays to God for forgiveness for her death in Nigeria. He asks God to protect Massa’s spirit and hopes to be reunited with his family, including his parents and sister.

Chapter 18 (Part 1) of the novel reveals the demise of Massa Awo Sika, who lives ten kilometres from the church when she’s destined to die due to a disease that has increased her age and made her an image of herself.


Within Nigeria, Mama Orojo is very happy as she hosts the six elder members of Amen Kristi. Mama Orojo has been the treasurer local of Amen Kristi in Ijase for just six months.

The chairman of the local congregation, along with the accountant and the secretary, will be in her office to discuss the next missionary project in Egba, which will involve fifty church members during the three days the evangelism process lasts.

And in another place (in Egba), a middle-aged couple discusses the impending crusade of the Amen Kristi congregation. The husband, who has a different religion than Christianity, emphasizes the necessity of stopping Amen Kristi’s mission to evangelize in Egba. He states:

“We’ve got put them off at first.’

Unexpected Joy at Dawn

With the plural pronouns in the first person, it is likely to refer to an entire group of people who perceive the Amen Kristi missionary work as a threat to them. It is the Sahm Brotherhood in any case.

 Within Ghana, Nii Tackie feels sad and contemplates Massa’s demise in Ghana and the visit of the spiritualist. The things he observes in the room makes him think of Massa. He’s still traumatized by Massa’s murder.

This is the conclusion of the first chapter of Alex Agyei’s The Unexpected Joy of Dawn. The chapter details Nii Tackie’s journey through Ghana and Togo border. Following his determination in the previous chapter, Nii Tackie is heading towards Nigeria.

Read Also:

Summary of UNEXPECTED JOY AT DAWN By Alex Agyei Agyiri’s: Part 1(Chapter 1 to Chapter 5)
Summary of UNEXPECTED JOY AT DAWN By Alex Agyei Agyiri’s: Part 1(Chapter 6 – Chapter 10)
Summary of UNEXPECTED JOY AT DAWN By Alex Agyei Agyiri’s: Part 1(Chapter 11 – Chapter 15)
Characters In Unexpected Joy at Dawn By Alex Agyei-Agyiri
Themes in Unexpected Joy At Dawn

Chapter 20

To reach Nigeria, He must travel through Togo as well as Benin. Then he arrives at Banukophe, the border town that lies between Ghana as well as Togo. The other travellers disguise themselves in clothing that is reminiscent of a farm. Nii Tackie, who hadn’t thought of this, gets dirty and rubs his clean shirt dirt before taking it off. They disguise themselves as farmers, walking around an agricultural field of cassava.

Nii Tackie has mastered many of the dos and dos and don’ts of crossing the frontier. On the way, Tackie comes across Aaron Larshibi, the scientist and creator for The Ant Hill Project. In their brief exchange, Aaron intimates him of the reason he is leaving Ghana.

According to Aaron, the reason he’s moving out of Ghana is a result of being rejected by the banks of Ghana and Ghanaian authorities. Nii Tackie has admitted that he’s one of the smallest fry or a pawn with no value (to say the least) that is incapable of changing bank policies.

As they cross the border into Togo, one at a time and one are wounded in the left leg, and the other is arrested. They are forced to pay 10 naira so that they do not face trial in Tribunal as dissidents.

After crossing over the line, Nii Tackie could not locate Aaron; however, he is certain that it wasn’t the first that was wounded in the leg. Aaron disappeared. He is now Nii Tackie must travel across over the Benin border to reach Nigeria. Nii Tackie is assured by colleagues that it’s more convenient to travel between Benin up to the Nigerian border.

The departure of Aaron and Nii Tackie symbolizes, in a sense. Their departure signals the departure of Ghanaian professionals out of the country, and consequently, the decline in brain capacity which could result.

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